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Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing

In 1984 George Stuart began a series of short publications focused on the decipherment of Maya hieroglyphs. These reports reflecting the burgeoning progress in “cracking the code” during those years. They were typically short contributions, designed to fill a need outside the normal scope of archaeology journals such as American Antiquity (more specialized peer-review journals such as Ancient Meosamerica or Latin American Antiquity would come later). The old Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington served as a model. Over time the Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing (RRAMW) were established as a standard outlet for progress in Maya decipherment. Numerous important papers and notes were produced. Publication of the RRAMW has been less constant in recent years, but Boundary End Archaeological Research Center (formerly the Center for Maya Research) continues to issue new numbers. These are posted on BEARC’s Maya Decipherment blog and are added to our digital archive, where all former numbers can be accessed. Hardcopies of most early numbers of the Research Reports are still available for purchase.

Potential contributions to RRAMW can be submitted to

These are under the joint direction of BEC and the Mesoamerica Center of the University of Texas at Austin. To ensure good continuity with our plans and publication projects BEC needs any and all financial support. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization focused on promoting research in Mesoamerican studies, including anthropology, archaeology, epigraphy and art history.

List of Research Reports

01. The Yaxha Emblem Glyph as Yax-ha

02. A New Child-Father Relationship Glyph

03. Problematic Emblem Glyphs: Examples from Altar de Sacrificios, El Chorro, Rio Azul, and Xultun

04. Notes on the Reading of Affix T142

05. Glyph T93 and Maya ‘Hand-scattering’ Events

06. A Representation of the Principle Bird Deity in the Paris Codex

07. 7. The Sun Also Rises: Iconographic Syntax of the Pomona Flare

08. Observations on T110 as the Syllable ko

09. Landa’s Second Grapheme for u 

10. A New Variant of the CHAK Sign

11. A Glyph for Self-Sacrifice in Several Maya Inscriptions

12. Bilingual Glyphs

13. A Carved Shell from the Northeastern Maya Lowlands

14. Ten Phonetic Syllables

15. The Lake Guija Plaque and Special Supplement: A Guide to the Style and Content of the Series RRAMW

16. La Estela 1 de La Mojarra, Veracruz, México

17. A New Early Classic Text from Tikal



20. Lamanai Stela 9: The Archaeological Context

21. The Hieroglyphic Text of Stela 9, Lamanai, Belize

22. The Iconography of Lamanai Stela 9




26. Itzám Cab Ain: Caimans, Cosmology, and Calendrics in Postclassic Yucatán

27. The Mythological Identity of the figure on the La Esperanza (‘Chinkultic’) Ball Court Marker

28. The Royal Fifth: Earliest Notices of Maya Writing

29. The Beginning of Maya Hieroglyphic Study

30. The WAY Glyph: Evidence for ‘Co-essences’ among the Classic Maya

31. The ‘Axe/Comb’ Glyph (T333) as CH’AK

32. A New Carved Panel from the Palenque Area

33. A Sign for the Syllable mi



36. Three Terminal Classic Monuments from Caracol, Belize

37. An Early Maya Text from El Mirador, Guatemala – Two reports as a package

38. A Reading for the ‘Penis-Manikin’ Glyph and its Variants

39. I am a Kahal; My Parents Were Scribes

40. The Discovery, Exploration, and Monuments of Nom Li Punit, Belize

41. A Commentary on the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of Nim Li Punit, Belize – Two reports as a package

42. A Maya Wooden Figure from Belize

43. Nights Errant: A Look at Wayward Lords of the Night

44. 44. The Weavers in the Codice

45. A New Inscription from Nim Li Punit, Belize

46. The Syllabic Value of Sign T77 as k’i

47. Quality and Quantity in Glyphic Nouns and Adjectives

48. An Inscribed Shell Drinking Vessel from the Maya Lowlands

49. 49. A Reading of the ‘Completion Hand’ as TZUTZ

50. Evidence for Language Change in Ancient Maya Writing – Three reports as a 

51. Hieroglyphic Evidence for the Historical Configuration of Eastern Ch’olan

51a. A Brief Response to Wichmann’s “Hieroglyphic Evidence for the Historical Configuration of Eastern Ch’olan”

52. The Bee-Keepers in the Madrid Codex

53. Haab Rituals in the Maya Codices and the Structure of Maya Almanacs – Two reports as a package



56. A Reading for the “Earth-Star” Verb in Ancient Maya Writing

57. A New Monument from Huntichmul, Yucatán, Mexico

58. Dates from the Well of Time, Chichén Itzá, Yucatán

59. Hieroglyphic Texts from El Osario, Chichén Itzá, Yucatán

60. The Rise of Chak Ek’

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