The Maya on the Mountain hieroglyphic workshop, led by David Stuart, was held at the Boundary End Center from April 22-24. The workshop was a great success, and brought 12 “glyphers” to the teaching facility and library of BEC for a productive time investigating the inscriptions of the Classic Maya site of Cobá. Along with George Stuart Residential Scholar Mary Kate Kelly, David Stuart and the 12 participants studied several key monuments of this important Maya center and the dates, people, and historical events recorded on their surface.

In addition to epigraphic work, the participants gathered for a fun reception and shared some meals and drinks in the beautiful setting of Boundary End.

Maya on the Mountain was co-organized by George Stuart Residential Scholars Maxime Lamoureux-St-Hilaire and Mary Kate Kelly, Ann and David Stuart, and greatly facilitated by Jay Molyneaux.